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Fever PAIN score - Background |
The Fever PAIN score was derived from a cohort study including 1760 adults and children aged 3 and over. The score was tested in a trial comparing three prescribing strategies, empirical delayed prescribing, use of the score to direct prescribing or combination of the score with use of a near patient test (NPT) for streptococcus. Using the score resulted in more rapid symptom resolution and reduced prescribing of antibiotics (both reduced by one third). The addition of the NPT did not confer any additional benefit. The score consist of five items:
Using the sore throat tool enables rapid calculation of the score, gives a treatment guide and provides a summary to cut and paste in the notes. |
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Delay Prescription - Further Information |
Delayed prescribing does not simply mean the issue of a prescription with vague wording about delay but should include: A patient hand out to aid delayed prescribing is available on the RCGP Target website |
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